...to meet these two girls on my trip to South Africa. They live together in the Bridges Forever Home and have been a huge focus of my commitment to Acres of Love. I can't believe that within months I will be hugging them, playing with them, getting to know them and filling up on their inspiration.
The 10 year old girl on the left arrived at Acres of Love with stage 4 AIDS, blood cancer and little hope of survival. To date, she is the only known survivor of both AIDS and cancer throughout the world! Through the love and care of Acres of Love and the will of God, she is victoriously battling for her life. She is excelling in school and refusing to let anything keep her from her full potential.
The 9 year old girl on the right was brought to Acres of Love at the age of 5 and has both HIV and HPV because of the severe abuse that she suffered after her parents died from AIDS. Over the last 2 years, this brave little girl has undergone multiple surgeries to have the warts caused by HPV removed, a process that brings incredible pain and very slow healing. My fundraising group "Mommies in America" recently raised $25,000 to cover the cost of her extensive medical needs. She is surrounded by a medical team of some of the world's top physicians and is expected to soon be well enough to play, learn and grow as any other precious 9 year old girl.
I have personally committed to raise $2000 over the next year to cover the cost for education for both of these girls. And "Mommies in America" has set a goal of raising $40,000 to cover all basic needs (food, clothing, toiletry items) and healthcare (ARV medication, vitamins, pathology and homeopathic meds) costs for all of the 8 kids that live in the Bridges Forever Home.
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