Wednesday, October 31, 2007

He Answers

When Mark and I got marreid, he knew what he was getting into with me, knew my beliefs (or lack thereof!) and my feelings about church and religion. I made it very clear that I did not believe in God. It made him so angry when I would say that. Not that he was some super religious guy, more that it was "just something you shouldn't say!" Mark was raised Catholic, but wasn't exactly in touch with his spiritual side.
Then all of a sudden, the girl he once knew has this life changing event happen, and now says she is going to try out church. After I went to one particlular church for awhile, and really loved it, I started meeting with the pastor, reading Christian books, reading the actual Bible, going to Bible study, attending church more than once a week and volunteering with the high school group. At first, Mark thought this was just a fad, something that would soon pass. But he began to see that it was really picking up steam and that I was really committed to this. He soon realized that I truly believed in God and he began to notice that God was really making a difference in my life, changing me at the core, repriortizing my life and transforming me into a whole new person.
When I started asking Mark to go to chuch with me, he made it very clear that while he was happy for me and supportive of my faith journey, he didn't want me pressuring him or pushing all my new beliefs on him or judging him, etc. So I tried to really back off. I took the advice of my pastor, shut my mouth and just let my actions and my life speak to how much of a difference Christ was making in me. I later invited him, casually, to church. Finally he accepted. He went, he liked it there a lot and attended with me pretty regularly, but never really got too involved. For 2 years, I have been praying and praying for him and having close Christian friends of mine praying and praying for him. I wanted him to open his heart and allow God to work in him. I wanted him to really give his faith a chance by honestly seeking God and learning more about Christ, questioning, discussing, praying, etc. I tried to stay out of it and let God do the work. I trusted that God wanted this relationship with Mark more than I even knew, and that he was doing all he could to call Mark to him. But I knew Mark, and he can be a stubborn guy who likes to prove his point to me, and I wondered if he would ever really give this faith thing a fair shot. All I could do was give it over to God.
A couple of weeks ago Mark stepped up to be the Freshman boys small group leader at our church. PRAISE!!
We started praying together. PRAISE!!
We have been reading Case for Christ together. PRAISE!!
On Saturday I felt this overwhelming feeling that I should go buy Mark a Bible. So I had him watch the kids while I went to "run errands." I nervously, so nervously picked out the most masculine looking Bible I could find. I kept thinking "what am I doing? He's not going to like this. This is going to push it too far. He's gonna be really uncomfortable with this!!" But there was something in me that kept pusing me to do it. So I bought it. And a card where I wrote a long note to him, inviting him to truly open his heart and give God a chance to change his life. We went out for dinner that night and I soooo nervously gave him the gift. He happily accepted the Bible and the invitation to try God out. PRAISE!!
Mark and I decided to join a small group at our church together, where as a family we will meet with 3 other young families every other week and have dinner, discussions, pray and challenge and encourage eachother in our faith. PRAISE!!
I tell you, no job is too big for God. If he can create the universe, he can surely soften the heart of one of his own creation. I will continue to pray that God does a mighty work in Mark so that he can also experience the peace in Christ that surpasses all understanding.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007

How Christians Deal With Tragedy: So Cal Fires

While a good part of Southern California is engulfed in flames and many of our neighbors are being evacuated from thier homes and losing everything....this is what Christians do....(or at least what the amazing people of San Clemente Presbyterian Church have done over the last couple of days!):
- we welcome in strangers who show up in their parking lot, give them shelter, food, a place to rock their babies
- we line up with relief items like food, blankets, clothes, hygeine care, diapers, wipes, baby formula
- we compile a long list of people who are happily waiting to take a displaced family back to their home to provide them with a bed, shower, food, support
- we gather together in the evening, pray and pray for familes who are displaced and afraid, sing songs of worship, pray and pray for firefighters, governments officials, people in leadership making tough decisions, listen to the word of God, pray and pray as a whole congregation, pray n silenc, pray in small groups. We know that God hears our prayers. "If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among you." Mattew 18:19-20
- we don't pretend to understand, to have answers for why these things happen
- we put our faith in God, knowing that He is a good God, a loving God and righteous God. We remember that He has promised that He has a plan for this world, that He is in control, "we know that God causes everything to work together good." Romans 8:28
-we somehow find a quiet ad faithful peace in all of this tragedy. "Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all that he has done, They you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand." Philippians 4:6-7

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Today's Call: Bread

God works in amazing ways, it's awesome! After writing the entry this morning on God's call being wherever there is a need, God put a need right in front of me.
Mark is serving on jury duty today, so the girls and I went to meet him for lunch during his break. As we were sitting out on the lovely patio and "Pat and Oscar's" chowing down on our delicious breadsticks, salad, ribs and chicken, I noticed a man standing about 20 yards away, asking people for money as they left the restaurant.
So I approached him. I asked what it was he needed, he said "I'm hungry." I went inside, got an extra plate, some silverware, a big glass of water, and filled up the plate with several breadsticks, salad and my chicken. I invited him to sit at the table next to ours and eat. He excitedly accepted.
Now, I have always had the heart that made me do stuff like this, So coming to know God hasn't transformed me into a "giver." But this time was different, because when I placed the meal in front of him I leaned in close, put my hand on his shoulder, looked him in the eye and said "God bless you." I wanted him to know that I was doing this in the name of God, because I wanted him to know that God loved him and I was just his humble servant fulfilling my call to reach out and love my neighbor. And I wanted him to know that he too could, if he didn't already, be in close relationship with the God that moves people to service and generosity. Because we can feed hungry people breadsticks all day long, but God is the true source of nourishment and the real "bread of life."
"I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me has eternal life. Yes, I am the bread of life!...I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever."
-John 6:47-51

God's Call

"God is calling you to where the need is" -Mother Theresa

Among this new Christian community that I am hanging out with, there is a lot of talk about "God's call." It refers to the direction in life that you are taking, because you feel that God is calling you, or telling you, or strongly suggesting to you, that you move in this direction or that. If you are truly commited to God, want to please Him, want to fulfill His purpose for your life and be a part of his redeeming plan for this world, you would feel that "God's call" is a divine order to take part in.
This "call" can be pretty ambiguos, and is hard to decifer and know for sure. How do you know what God is calling you to do? How can you be certain of his will for your life? How will you be sure that it's His call and not your own desire?
I heard this woman quote Mother Theresa the other day, saying that she never felt that God had specifically called her to any particular act of service. She just saw a need and knew that God wanted her to meet those needs for other people.
So, while we Christians sit around waiting for God's divine call in our lives, maybe we ought to just look around, see where there is a need and do something about it. Maybe it's being a good mom, taking care of your kids and devoting a certain season of your life to that. Maybe it's being a hard working employee, always doing right and being honest and demonstrating with your life the difference that God makes. Maybe it's being the helpful neighbor who is always willing to help out, make a meal, run an errand, or lend a hand. Maybe it's the person who feels a deep desire to help out in their church, or volunteer with troubled teens, or give their time and talents to a local non profit organization. Maybe it's the stranger you walk by, that makes the first move to say a warm and heartfelt "hello, how are you?" as if they really care. This call can take on any shape or form, but it does a few things in every place and loves God, it is ready to serve Him and his people with a humble heart, it sees a need and it fills it in order to be a part of God's plan to save this world.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Side Effects Of A Strict Training Program

I am training for the Carlsbad Half Marathon. I get up at 5:00am, 6 days a week and workout. 4 of the days I run and 2 of the days I cross train, doing the elliptical machine and weights. I enjoy having a schedule like this to follow, a routine to rely on. I am feeling accomplished and healthy and quite proud of myself.
I am also eating really healthy, mostly whole, organic foods, lots of protein and fruits and veggies and a ton of water. I have to properly nourish my body to sustain this level of energy and I have definitely noticed a difference in how I feel.
The other morning I was down on the floor, working my abs, my legs were extended up in the air. I looked down and noticed how much more firm and strong my legs looked. Wow, awesome! And I have also began to notice that my pants are loose. Sweet! For the first time I wasn't exactly trying to lose weight or diet, but the side effects of being focused on a healthy exercise goal were that my body just naturally starting shaping up.
I realized it's very similar to what has happened to me as I have become a committed Christian and student of the Bible. I follow a pretty strict routine in that respect too, attending church on Sundays, 2 Bible studies a week, leading the 10th and 11th grade girls, and spending quiet time reading and praying about 5 days a week.
I can't say that I can remember a specific time when I noticed a change in my "spiritual shape," but I have definitely shaped up. And really, this is the first time that I wasn't exactly trying to change things about myself or improve certain qualities, but the side effects of being focused on the Lord and in studying His word were that my heart and soul just naturally started shaping up.
And neither of these improvements came without sweat and tears! The marathon workouts have been hard for me and the long runs are getting longer and harder. I nearly stopped in the middle of a run the other day in tears because I had just run up a hill (mountain!!) that nearly killed me and I was feeling tired, weak and incapable of being able to complete a marathon someday. But I pushed on and there came the downhill part and I recovered and finished the run with a smile.
Similarly, giving my life to Christ has not been all easy. As I read the Bible and learn more about God and Jesus, it's like a mirror. I began to see my reflection and all of the ugliness about me that was so covered up and hidden. I was forced to really take an honest inventory of my life, my priorities, my words and actions and deeds. And sometimes my faith in God was a struggle and I wanted to just close the Book and forget about it. But during those time I would give those doubts and fears and anxieties over to God, he would somehow calm me, and I have since come a long, long way. I know that I will finish this journey with a smile too!