Wednesday, April 23, 2008

An Exception To My Rule

When I get into theological debates with friends and family about why I believe in God, an argument that comes up often from my "unbelieving" loved ones is "...But Christians are such hypocrites. The say they believe in God and they act all high and mighty and then they gossip, cheat, treat others unkindly, etc. I don't want to be a part of that. Christianity doesn't really seem to work or make a difference."
To that argument I always want to say something like "Don't judge God by His followers. You are selling yourself incredibly short if you are making a decision to not believe in God because people you know that believe in Him aren't perfect. In fact, Christians, by proclaiming their need for God are actually admitting their "unperfectness" and asking God to help them in their sinful lives. Church is not a place that you go because you are better than other people or "more holy" than others, or you have it all together. Churches are like hospitals, a place where you can go because you are sick and broken and hurting and flawed and you know you need a savior to make you better."
But, this week I find myself wanting to point my "unbelieving" loved ones in the direction of San Clemente Presbyterian Church and shout "Go there and judge God by His followers!!!"
My father-in-law has been in and out of the hospital for over a week, struggling with all sorts of medical issues. As I sit and write he is in the ICU. Our family is very concerned, worried, stressed. Yesterday morning he was in really bad shape. I sent out an email to my Christian neighbors and some friends from our church to pray for him and the family. (and by the way, my husband and I are the only one's that attend this particular church, my in laws do not) The response I have received is almost too much to accept. People are praying, offering to watch the kids, offering to cook meals, offering to run errands, offering to go to the hospital and pray with my father-in-law, offering scriptures to rely on, offering anything that we could possibly need. This community of people that I have found myself belonging to (no mistake by God I am sure of that!) is exactly what Christianity should look like. It's loving, faithful, self sacrificing, rooted in the truths of the Bible, unwavering in their life commitment to Christ, and overwhelmingly real and genuine and authentic. This church has been lead by it's pastoral staff to become a body of people who truly become the presence of God himself just when you need it. I am more certain of my belief in God today because of this scary circumstance I find myself in and because of the actions of His believers. I wish the whole world could experience God and believe in Him because of His followers at my church!

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